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The Beginning of All Things, by Lydia Floren

Purple pansiesThe Beginning of All Things

by Lydia Floren

This is an excerpt from the book I am writing about learning to live a God-guided life:

There once was a man and a woman who dwelled together in indescribable bliss. They lived in nature, surrounded by beauty – fresh smells, clear water, crisp fruit. They enjoyed each other’s company, plus the free and easy relationship with the One who had formed each of them, and had brought them to the paradise where they lived. They were healthy and happy – you might even say joyous –  enjoying life to the fullest.

The Maker had given them one warning, one simple rule in this haven of life/joy:  Don’t touch the fruit that grows on one tree, the one called the “Knowledge of Good and Evil.”  This fruit is not good to eat.

That is all.

But the man and woman were curious, and surrendered to the Temptation to be like God, on equal footing with the Creator. They wanted to know for themselves, to decide for themselves what was good, and what was not. So, they disregarded God’s one rule, and ate. 

Immediately, they were changed.  They looked at things differently. They could see all kinds of potential good and evil, but had trouble deciding which was which. They decided that their nakedness wasn’t good and covered themselves. For the first time they felt shame. They decided they had done something wrong. And so, they decided to avoid God.

God cried. 

And then did what He had to do. With great sorrow, He gave them the result of their choice:  life outside of the garden. 

God’s Grace

And then, all alone, God made a plan for the future, so that someday, this relationship would be restored to the way it used to be.  It was a costly plan – a life for all lives, a choice for all choices. He would send His son to live in the world, and pay the price for their choice, and all the choices that followed.

The man and the woman settled outside of the garden. They had children and grandchildren. And they passed their skewed sense of truth, of right and wrong, down through their lineage. Over the centuries, they drifted away from the life-giving connections with their Maker, until he was just a distant memory, and then an ancient tale – remembered by a few, believed by even fewer. 

But their Maker never stopped loving them and reaching out to them. Since these progeny had never known bliss, they had no idea what they were missing. There was a haunting emptiness that remained in all of these people, from generation to generation. An emptiness that – had they known it – could only be filled with God.  

Yet somehow, in their minds, they had come to believe that God was their enemy.

After many years, God’s plan came to pass. He chose to visit their land – in the form of His son – to be one of them and guide them back to the ancient truth and ways. They thought they knew how to make things right, but they really didn’t. And so, He showed them that the only way to bridge the gap was to receive His gift of forgiveness and life, and choose to follow Him. And He demonstrated  through His words and actions what it looked like to live that way. Before He left, he gave them the ultimate gift – His life – to make this all possible.

It seemed too good to be true. But it was true. 

God was not their enemy. 

He was their Creator, their Loving Father – the only one who knew them completely and loved them unconditionally. And He did what it took so that He could welcome them back into the warmth and safety of relationship with Him. So that they could live the life they were created to live.

Adam and Eve had a choice of whether to live their lives on their own, or to follow God‘s will.  They chose the former, and their choice had consequences. It led to the loss of their home, and the disruption of the easy loving relationship they had with their Father. Every one of Adam and Eve’s descendants, including us, has suffered because of their choice.  Amazingly, because of God’s love and grace, we still – again – have a choice: to live our lives on our own, or to invite God in and choose to follow Him.

Inviting God In

Do you want to experience the joy of living the life you were created to live?  To have a true sense of identity and value, to know that you belong, and that you are safe – that your life will never end?  If so, then if you haven’t done so, now is a great time to make the choice to invite God in to your life and follow Him.  You can do that by simply talking to Him – praying. Here is an example of such a prayer, based on the acronym GRACE (G- Give thanks, R- Release, A-Accept, C- Continue,  E- Enjoy)

G  Thank you, God for creating me and loving me enough to give your life so that I could be in relationship with you forever. 

R  I choose to receive your forgiveness for ignoring you and going my own way, and  I Release all of my past and future into your hands.

A  I Accept your gift of hope and healing, and open the door of my heart to let you in.  

C I look forward to Continuing to learn to live by your wisdom and direction, 

E  and to Enjoy the freedom and intimacy of your company every day.

Have you pray this prayer? Congratulations! You have begun the adventure of living a God-guided life.

"Live with God's Grace:  Invite God In"

Ditching the Jonah Life

Waves breaking against rocks

Ditching the Jonah Life

by Lydia Floren

Jonah was an interesting guy.  He had a relationship with God. He talked to God, and listened to Him. But he didn’t always agree with Him. He felt like he could—should, in fact–pick and choose which of God’s commands he should follow, and which he would ignore. When God told him to go to Ninevah and tell people about Him, Jonah balked, and then downright refused. 

“UUUUUMMMMMM, Naaaaah, I don’t think so God. All due respect, I think that is a really bad idea. That may be in your plan, but not in mine. Find yourself another prophet. I think I will be better off going this way.”

Well we all know how that turned out:  Jonah got caught in a storm and thrown overboard, swallowed by a big fish, where he lived for three days before getting urped up on land. Lovely. It took all that for Jonah to come to his senses, to realize that God’s way might really be best, and to choose to follow Him in spite of how things looked on the surface.

Jonah didn’t doubt his ability to hear God–He heard him loud and clear. He doubted God’s judgment.  He had certain expectations of how his life should go, and when God told him to do something that didn’t sync with that, he rebelled. Sound familiar?

I am too much like Jonah.

I expect my life to go a certain way, and when it doesn’t, I whine. “I don’t deserve this.”  When that doesn’t work (does whining ever help?),  I try to convince God He got it wrong. “I think you missed the mark here, God. This is not really the best plan, at least not for me.  And here’s why…”  Finally I rebel. “Thanks but no thanks. I’ll take it from here.” 

How many times do I have to nearly drown before I accept that God really does know best? When will I learn that following God, even when my “better” judgment tells me not to, is the best way—the only way—to live? When will the truth sink in and take hold? 

Because, the truth is, God sees the big picture, while I am only looking at one little puzzle piece. The truth is, God is crazy about me, and His way will lead me to the joyful, abundant life He so desires for me.  The truth is, God’s plans for me won’t lead me to disaster. They are designed to give me a future and a hope. 

The truth is, God’s judgment is much better than mine. Or yours. 

Ditching the Jonah Life

Thankfully, just like with Jonah, God doesn’t quit pursuing us, even when we turn away.  But God wants something better for us than this see-saw life of Jonah:  defiant independence one moment, and a desperate plea for help the next. He wants us to trust Him, no matter what.  He wants us to relax, knowing that no matter how things look, He’s got our back.

The more we trust God no matter what, the steadier our life-boat becomes. Peace seeps in. Joy peeks out from behind the clouds. Worry evaporates. 

The more we trust, the more we rest.

Are you living the seesaw life of Jonah? 

"Be ready and willing to follow God, for him to alter your course.

Love Is… Part 1: Three Weddings and a Funeral

Love Is…

Part 1: Three Weddings and a Funeral,  by Lydia Floren

Have you ever attended a funeral where you pulled out a piece of paper and started taking notes? Weird, right? Well, I can remember one time when I did just that. I was attending the memorial service for Mary Markquart, the mother in law of my dear friend, Terri.  About halfway through the remarks, I grabbed a pen from the pew in front of me and started jotting things down on my program. By the end, I had filled every available space with my scribbles. 

Let me back up.

Three years earlier, Terri Markquart, called to tell me that her mother-in-law was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a grim diagnosis with limited life expectancy.

Many people, including Terri and I, were praying for Mary and her family. From time to time, Terri would give me an update.  By God’s strength, Mary survived surgery and several rounds of chemo, allowing her more time – more good quality time – with her loved ones, than anyone dared hope for.  Mary was able to attend the weddings of two of her grandchildren, and finally, in her last days, she witnessed the nuptials of her only daughter. As her time approached, which was remarkably free of pain, she was able to say good-bye to everyone she most cared about.  And ,when she was unable to talk, she could still say “I love you.” With those words on her lips–“I love you“– she slipped into the next life as graciously as she had traveled through this one.

At Mary’s funeral, people remarked, not as much on Mary’s accomplishments –though there were many–, but more on her character. They shared who she was, not what she had done:   Mary was gracious, kind, and compassionate. She was generous, hospitable, and interested in people.  And she was a person of deep faith.

The last person to speak was her minister.  “I am reading from Mary’s underlined patched-together Bible,” he said as he held it up.   “One passage that Mary clearly loved was 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.’ ”  

“Believe it or not,” he continued, “as much as these words describe Mary’s life, she did not mark up these verses in her Bible nearly as much as she did the first few words of the next chapter.”  

He paused, and then smiled. 

“1 Cor 14:1 begins with this little phrase: ‘Make love your aim.’

“This sums up Mary’s life. She lived her life focused on love.”

What does it mean to make love your goal in life?

Mirrors and Wisdom by Lydia Floren

sunflowers reflected in a silver trayFor now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known.  1 Cor 13:12

Two thousand years ago, a mirror was a highly polished piece of metal, maybe bronze or silver.  Because it was hand-hammered and buffed, a person’s reflection in it would be imperfect – there would be distortions, and probably some dark spots. (Not that most of us really want total accuracy, when we look at a mirror, but that’s beside the point.)  In those days, if you wanted a more accurate idea of what you actually looked like, you would need to step into the brightest light you could find and view your reflection from several different angles.

When Paul said “now we see through a mirror dimly” he was comparing our limited understanding of life/the world/our situation with the distorted reflection that one saw when looking at piece of polished metal.

Here’s the Amplified version of 1 Corinthians 13:12:

For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection of reality as in a riddle or enigma, but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly); but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God]. 

None of us have a clear picture of what is going on in the world – or even in our own lives. Our reflection is incomplete. There are blank spots and distortions.  In order to get the best possible understanding, we need to inspect our situations from a variety of viewpoints, and in the brightest light we can find – the light of God’s truth.

Even in the best of circumstances, our vision is limited.

But the great news is, God’s is not. He sees everything and, even better, He understands what it all means. He knows how it all connects. From His perspective, He can guide us along the wisest path forward.  All we have to do is ask.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  James 1:5 NIV

pink dogwood tree with "Christ is wisdom and He is our deepest need.  -Margaret Botlome

Finding Treasures

Young man staring out across a still lake.Finding Treasures

by Lydia Floren

Last week, we talked about how we are each a treasure to God, dearly loved by Him.  And how life-changing and soul-sustaining it is to be loved like that.

When we are loved like that, it moves us to action.  God calls us, challenges us, to care for those around us, the same  way that He cares for us.  Gently. Compassionately. Graciously. Respectfully.  We have no business judging. Or, condemning. Or, dismissing. Or, hurting. Or, criticizing.  We have no idea what someone has been through, or may still be going through.

And that’s not our job anyway.

Our business is to treat each treasure—each unique creation of God—with the utmost care.  To value them, regardless of what we see on the surface, because we know how precious they are inside.  And, when we have opportunity, our job is to brush off a little dirt and show their beauty even more, to themselves as much as to us.

Take the time today to notice the person in front of you.  Smile at them. Find a way to encourage them with a word, or a touch.  A listening ear, a small gift. A laugh. A prayer. Each effort you make brushes away a bit of dirt, and frees a spirit/heart to shine a bit brighter.

Tasting God’s Kindness

Apples on a tree, with caption "tasting God's Kindness"by Lydia Floren

“…if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.”  1 Peter 2:3

I eat fast. Really fast.  My husband, Andrew, does too.  Often when we are out to dinner, and the waitress breezes by to ask, “How are the first few bites tasting?”, Andrew is reaching for his wallet and I am asking for a “to go” box.  Those of you who have shared a meal with us are nodding and smiling, aren’t you?

In our defense, we come by this food-shoveling habit honestly. It was a survival skill we each developed during our medical training. Here’s a typical scenario of dinner as a resident-on-call:

After multiple visits to the ER, two admissions and a crisis in the ICU, our four-to-five-member on-call team, finally catches a break. Uniformed in scrubs and stethescopes, we head down to the cafeteria, to stack our trays with the free hospital food. After settling into orange vinyl seats and tasting the first few bites, a beep-beep-beep sounds. And then, another one joins in. As everyone reaches for their pagers, an announcement drones overhead:  “Code Blue, 4th floor, west wing… code blue, 4th floor, west wing.” Collectively we groan, and then grab our gear and rush upstairs to see about the emergency.   Often – no, usually – by the time we make it back down to the basement to try to salvage the remainder of our cold meal, we find the cafeteria is dark,  its doors bolted shut. Sigh. Another night of vending machine supper.

In residency, it became clear that you’d better eat fast, or you may not get to eat at all.  Food wasn’t to be savored, just consumed, because the main point of eating was not enjoyment, but sustenance. Enjoying the taste of food was a luxury one could not afford, with such an unpredictable schedule.

Andrew and I have learned over the years that normal people don’t gulp or shovel.  Normal people take their time, and actually seem to enjoy the taste of their food. They savor. They actually enjoy what they are eating.  When I eat dinner with these folks, I find that I appreciate the flavor of my food  more than I ever would on my own.

1 Peter talks about tasting the kindness of the Lord.

I love that word picture, because in order to taste something, you have to slow down and pay attention to what you are eating.  Don’t we find ourselves rushing through life, consuming the blessings God gives us, but never taking time to savor them?  In order to taste God’s kindness, we have to be willing to let go of our tendency to hurry, and embrace a more  leisurely, thoughtful approach to life. Let’s face it:  most of our rushing around is not because of life or death emergencies.  It is primarily caused by an accumulation of commitments or desires – some important, some not so important.

So today, choose to not simply consume God’s kindnesses without really appreciating them.  Instead, choose to taste God’s kindness.  Take the time to notice the many wonderful ways He has, and is now, blessing you.  Savor His loving presence always with you and within you. Enjoy!

The S Word

"The S Word" written on a lemon Lydia Floren

One of our favorite family phrases comes from the movie Aladdin.  The little parrot, Iago, gets all upset and starts venting to his boss, the evil Jafar.  Jafar’s response is simply this: “Paaaaatience, Iago. Paaaatience.”

What gets us so riled up, that we lose our patience with ourselves or others? For me, it is the S word.  No, not the four-letter S word….the six-letter one:  “should.”  When “should” creeps into my thoughts and makes its way into my conversations, patience goes out the window. Joy is replaced by restless discontent.  I start focusing on what is wrong instead of what is right.

“They should be doing this. I should be doing that.”

“They should fill all of these potholes.”  “I should get more respect.” “The computer system should always work perfectly.” “I should be able to manage my time better, or be a better person.”

Should is a toxic word. It poisons our peace and eats away at our patience. Shoulds stress us out and put stress on those around us.

Cure for the S word

The cool thing is, there is a cure for the S word–the “should” infection. It’s the T word: thanksgiving. The practice of giving thanks in all things stamps the shoulds right out of our life. Gratitude banishes discontent, restores our joy, and replenishes our patience.

“Thank you Father, that we have paved streets, and that these potholes will eventually be filled.”  “Thank you that You respect and value me, and are teaching me to respect and value myself.” “Thank you that the computer system works 99% of the time, and there is a great team of people working on keeping it that way.”

It doesn’t come easy.

Replacing the “S” word with the “T” word takes some practice. It doesn’t come easy.  In fact it can feel quite awkward and contrived, especially at first.  But, it is incredibly powerful at restoring our perspective and our joy.

“Thank You that every single one of us is imperfect and in process, and You love us right where we are.” “Thank You that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made.” “Thank You that I don’t need to do anything to earn your love, and there is nothing I can do that will change it.” “Thank you that You are always present and at work, and working things to good.”

“Thank you that there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.”

When we cultivate a grateful heart we quit “shoulding” all over ourselves and those around us. Our words and actions are motivated by love instead of driven by discontent.

How has the “S” word invaded your life?  What happens when you replace it with the “T” word?

"patience" on purple petunias


So, What’s a Person To Do?


So, What’s a Person To Do? [DIY?? Series, Part 2]

by Lydia Floren

If you are like me, most of your life you have heard some version of this saying:

“If you want something done right, you better do it yourself.” 

But, guess what?  Those words, and that concept, are not in the Bible, anywhere.  In fact, when we act independently in our lives – apart from God – we are doing the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

But, when things get tough, it is easy, isn’t it, to ditch our faith and take matters into our own hands? Especially, when our difficulties seem to go on and on, without our being able to see any hope or resolution.  When we quit waiting for God and choose self-reliance, our actions can take many forms, including avoiding, complaining, controlling, or self-indulgence. And, invariably, our way of doing things doesn’t make things better. Quite the opposite: it usually makes them much worse.

So, what’s a person to do when things go wrong, and continue to go wrong?

Wait. Patiently wait. Trust the God-Who-Loves-You.  And then, keep on trusting Him.

The Old Testament Israelites whined a lot. Isaiah 40 is a reality check for one of their gripe sessions. In the first part of the chapter, Isaiah answers their complaining by first reminding them of who God is. For example, in verses 12 and 13 he says,

Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?

Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?

Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD? Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?”

“Really? Are you serious?”, Isaiah seems to be saying, “Don’t you realize who you are talking to?  Listen while I refresh your memory.”

The last part, Isaiah 40:27-31, is one of my all time favorites. I first encountered these verses when I was a first year medical student. I was feeling overwhelmed and very sorry for myself. Isaiah’s words put things back in perspective.

O Jacob, how can you say the LORD does not see your troubles?

O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights?

Have you never heard? Have you never understood?

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.

He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.

He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. 

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.

They will soar high on wings like eagles. 

They will run and not grow weary.

They will walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:27-31  

My translation  

This is how I hear God speaking to me through these words:

“Really, Lydia? Really?? You think I don’t know what is going on here?  Newsflash:  I am the God of the universe. Of course I see what is happening. I GET IT.  So keep trusting Me. I will give you the power to move through your painful circumstances, and to rise above them.”

Southern Redneck Translation (SRT)

Or in southern redneck terms Isaiah is saying here:

“Quit yer bellyachin’. God’s got yer back. Hold yer hosses, and hang on to yer britches. Watch and learn, Son. Watch and learn.”  Isaiah 40:27-31 SRT 

So what’s a person to do?

Do you really want things done right?  Really? Then for heaven’s sake, don’t take matters into your own hands.  You have no idea what is really going on, or how to fix things properly. Believe me, you are liable to make matters worse instead of better.   If you really want things done right, trust God, and keep on trusting him. He will give you the strength to walk through your difficulties, and to learn to rise above them.

If You Want Something Done Right… (DIY?? Series Part 1)


by Lydia Floren

We have all heard the saying, “If you want something done right, you better do it yourself.” But is that really true? Are you really the best person to fix every problem?

Think about it.  If your car is mechanically failing, are you going to watch a You-Tube video and pull out your wrench and start taking the engine apart?  If you have appendicitis, are you going to check Wikipedia, climb up on the kitchen table, get the butcher knife out, and whack away? I don’t think so. You, like me, are going to find the best expert available, and trust them to take care of things.

So, why are we so quick to take things into our own hands, when it comes to matters of faith?

Sure, we will trust a surgeon to take out our appendix and handle any post-op complications.  And, we will wait patiently for the best mechanic to fix our car properly.

But in difficult situations, especially those that don’t resolve promptly, we are quick to lose faith in God, who happens to be the best disaster-management expert in the universe.

Here’s an all-too-frequent scenario from my life:

1.  I feel pain.  This may be a physical pain, but often it is an emotional one, such as an unpleasant interaction that leaves me feeling wronged or slighted.  I’m not talking about the momentary unpleasantness that happens, say, when someone cuts me off in traffic. I’m talking about an ongoing dilemma, like a difficult relationship or an uncomfortable work situation, or a chronic health issue.

2.  I get restless. If the uncomfortable situation doesn’t resolve quickly (which for me is more than about 5 minutes) I get antsy. I don’t like pain. It needs to go away.

3.  I pray….maybe. (sometimes I skip this step.) I tell God, as if He didn’t know, exactly what my situation is, and politely ask Him to take care of it.   Before long (say, about 5 minutes), if nothing seems to be happening, I stomp my foot. “Why don’t you do something about this, God? Don’t you see what is happening here?”  Pretty soon, I start demanding, “God, get me out of this!  Make this go away! NOW!”

“…or else,” I whisper to myself, “I may just have to do it myself.”

4.  I decide it’s up to me. Here’s what goes thru my head:  “Somehow, God has missed the boat here. Maybe He isn’t seeing how much pain I am in.  Or maybe He sees it but just doesn’t matter to Him. Fine. Whatever. I’ll just handle it myself. After all, ‘if you want something done right, you better do it yourself.’  Isn’t that in the Bible somewhere?”

5.  I do my own thing. I try to eliminate the hurt (or the cause of it) myself. Here are a few ways I might do this typically by reverting to old coping mechanisms:

  • Avoiding. I dodge the person or situation that is causing me to feel this pain.
  • Complaining.  I make sure that not only God, but everyone around me knows how unjustly I have been treated.
  • Manipulating.  I try to manage or control the situation so the pain will stop, or at least lessen.
  • Self-indulging. I “treat myself” with something to take my mind off the pain. (Sort of an adult version of thumb-sucking.)  My favorite “pacifier” is food, particularly chocolate.  For others, it might be alcohol, surfing the net, working, shopping.

As you can imagine, when I take things into my own hands, they don’t turn out so well. Avoiding, complaining, manipulating and self-indulgence don’t make things better – they make them worse.

In Psalm 40:1-3, David said

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.

He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.

He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.


Are you in the middle of a difficult situation?  Do you feel like God is not doing enough? Not doing anything?  For heaven’s sake, don’t make my mistake and try to take things into your own hands.   You will only make matters worse. Trust me, you will be  sooooo much better off, if you choose to keep your focus squarely on God, waiting patiently for His strength and direction.

Just remember: God is the best disaster-management expert in the universe.

Rest assured: He will unfailingly pull you up out of your mess and put your feet back on solid ground.


Prescription for Peace

Prescription for peace (Rx)by Lydia Floren

I am a Family Medicine doctor, and over the years that I have practiced medicine, I have learned that often the most effective remedy for an illness is not the kind you pick up at a pharmacy.

Unusual Prescriptions

For example, a patient may come in with a cold. I can, and do, recommend certain medicines that might help to relieve symptoms, but the most important advice I can give – a prescription if you will – is rest.  With most sicknesses, especially viral ones, rest is essential to fast and complete healing.  Here are some other unusual “prescriptions” I might write:

  • A medical excuse for a few days off work.
  • A book to read. A couple of my favorites are Boundaries (difficult relationships), or Driven to Distraction (ADD).
  • Regular time with a positive encouraging friend.

A prescription for Peace

In Philippians 4, Paul outlines, what I like to call, a Prescription for Peace:

RX for Peace:

  1. Celebrate God’s goodnessRejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Phil 4:4 
  2. Be kind, remembering that God is with you. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Phil 4:5
  3. Pray from a thankful heart. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7
  4. Focus on the positive. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Phil 4:8
  5. Practice. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Phil 4:9