Tag Archives: Restoration

our loving father

Our Loving Father

As my boys were growing up, I remember having this thought over and over again: it can’t get any better than this. This is the perfect age (ok maybe not at 15). I would want to just freeze that place in time and stay there. Yet now my sons are all grown, and I wouldn’t trade this present time with them for any other. It is wonderful to know them as fully independent adults, discovering and enjoying life in the unique way every human being does. And it is awesome that they allow me to be a part of it.

God loves us like this. He is not waiting until we grow up or become “good enough” before He loves us and appreciates us. He delights in each part of our journey, and enjoys us most where we are right now. He does challenge us to grow, but doesn’t expect more of us than our maturity can handle.

Do I make mistakes? Misbehave? Rebel? Have an attitude? Think I know more than my Loving Parent? Of course I do. Too often.

But God’s grace is amazing, and His arms always open to love and forgive and restore.

The Power of Light – Light Series Part 1

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common malady, especially in a place like Wisconsin, where I live and practice medicine. In Wisconsin wintertime the days are short and often overcast. This lack of light can change a person’s brain chemistry and cause them to feel depressed.

What helps?

One of the most effective treatments for SAD is light.  Believe it or not, just sitting under a special light for 30 minutes every morning can help balance out that altered brain chemistry.

While only some people experience SAD, all of us are prone to Spiritual Seasonal Affective Disorder. The darkness of pain or loss—or just the stress of everyday life–can gradually pull us down into a pit of despair or hopelessness that drains us of energy and suffocates our joy.

One of the best ways to prevent this SSAD, and to treat it when you have it, is to spend time with God at the beginning of each day. 1 John 1:5 says “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” When we spend time with Him, we are sitting under the brightest light in the world.

Are you suffering from SSAD? Or do you want to prevent it? Make a plan. And then follow the plan. Spend at least 30 minutes every morning sitting in the God’s bright presence. When you do this consistently, you will find that gradually your perspective– and your joy– is restored.

What is your favorite way to experience God’s presence in the morning?

Getting Away

12216-getting-awayGetting Away

by Lydia Floren

I  remember first getting away by myself when I was a resident in Jacksonville, Florida.  Medical training was pretty intense, and I found myself needing a true break. So, periodically, I would pack an overnight bag, and head to the nearby beach, where I’d rent a cheap mom-and-pop type hotel room for a night or two. Other than the usual essentials, I would take only my Bible and my journal.  I’d sleep for long stretches, take walks by the ocean, praying to the sound of crashing waves.  It was truly restorative.

A few years later, when I was married and mostly staying at home with little ones, I’d occasionally talk my husband into childcare duty and check into a nearby B and B.  I was amazed at how different a night or two would make me feel—refreshed, renewed, settled. Resting and reconnecting with God (and myself) did that for me. My husband noticed the difference too, and started to encourage me to take some personal time, on occasion. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago he pulled me aside and asked   “Hon, do you need to get away for a couple of days?”

The location and timespan of these little solo retreats has varied over the years, but some things have remained pretty constant.  Rest. Solitude. Silence (including all electronics). Prayer (both talking and listening). Bible reading. Journaling.

Until recently, I’d never met anyone else who did this sort of thing.  Well, Jesus did it.  And while writers such as Henri Nouwen and Brennan Manning have mentioned their own such experiences in passing, I had never seen, much less read, a whole book dedicated to this topic.

Until now. My dear (and fairly new ☺) friend Tish just published a wonderful book about taking a personal retreat called Getaway with GodI met Tish at a writer’s conference (Write to Publish) a couple of years ago. I liked her immediately. Tish is a gentle, Godly woman, and her book reflects her heart. It also provides some great resources and insights into planning your own personal retreat.

Getting away with God–the Person who knows you best and loves you most. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Especially this time of year? Maybe it’s time to give yourself a gift.  Mark your calendar and make your own plans for some personal rest and renewal.  (And maybe pick up a copy of Getaway With God while you are at it.)

Best. Christmas present. Ever.

PS. For the chance for a free signed copy of Tish’s book, just respond to this post on the blog Belovedlove.org/reflections, message or post on our Facebook page @ Belovedlove, or on Twitter @bebelovedlove!

p.s.  I took the above picture at my friend’s Northwoods cabin. The one below is from another friend’s low-country retreat in South Carolina.


Don’t Rush. Just Rest.

7:15:16 Don't Rushby Lydia Floren

You know, Jesus had a pretty big “to do” list to accomplish in his 33 years of life:

  1. Grow up (and never do anything wrong).
  2. Take 12 random guys (some of whom can’t read or write), and, in 3 years, shape them into world leaders.
  3. Be tortured and killed, in spite of what you want to do, and defeat the greatest enemy the world has ever known.

Yeah, Jesus had a lot on his plate. But think about it.  Can you imagine Jesus rushing around – interrupting folks and cutting people off in traffic so he could get His “important stuff” done?  Of course not.

Jesus was never in a hurry.

He said,  “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

When we come to Him, in the middle of our busyness, he gives us rest.  We find “rest for our souls.”  And we can go about our day, packed as it may be, settled and at peace in that “zone of rest,” knowing He is with us and within us, guiding and leading us to do what is most important.

There is plenty of time to do each day what God would have us do without rushing.

Don’t rush. Just rest.

Sharing a sunset. Enjoying the presence of God.


by Lydia Floren

“Solitude is not withdrawal in order to get away.  It is withdrawal in order to be with Someone who normally gets crowded out of our lives…. it is the place of love and trust.  It therefore puts presence before action and seeks companionship before help.”   (Charles Rigma)

So many times when I am alone with God,  I have an agenda.  I might want perspective, or wisdom, or direction, or healing of some sort.  But I think much of that time with HIm  would be better spent not seeking anything, except to just hang out with Him.  No agenda. No words, really. Just two friends relishing a companionable silence—aware of each other, but not expecting from each other.  We have an understanding: I enjoy His presence, and He enjoys mine.  

I liken it to sitting with a close friend at the beach watching a sunset.   Though no words are exchanged, the  connectedness is almost palpable.  And the silence between us seems to magnify the beauty surrounding us.

In Heaven, I expect God and I will share many such quiet moments, enjoying the sweep of a mountain vista, the trill of a child’s laugh. Or the velvet touch of a horse’s nuzzle, or the fragrance of a rose in bloom.  But those experiences will pale compared to the stunning beauty of God Himself. His integrity. His wisdom. His vitality. His strength. His gentleness.

heaven is a ways off, thought, and there is much yet to do in this life. People to help.  Commitments to keep.  Plans to make, and then to follow.

There is a journey.  And I am on it. 

However, I must remember: part of that journey includes tasting a bit of heaven from time to time.  It is dangling my legs over a seawall with a Good Friend, watching the horizon together in companionable silence.  It is enjoying My Creator’s presence, not for what I can learn from Him, or for what He can do for me—but simply because He is there, and I love Him, and He loves me. 

And because it is just nice to share a sunset together.

Share with us: How do you find the time to enjoy God’s company?



Recent posts – Time Management Series: Taking Aim: Goal Series – Part IBeginning With The End In Mind: Goal Series – Part II, The Right Things For The Right Reasons: Goal Series – Part III

To-Do, To Be

by Lydia Floren

I am a big list person, always have been. I have little scraps of “to-do’s” on sticky notes stuck around the kitchen, my office, in my purse, the car…I have learned a thing or two about myself in my years of list making.

  • One thing, I have learned, is that for me, the act of writing something down on a list helps me remember it, even if I never look at it again.
  • Another thing, I have discovered about myself, is that I am not a very good judge of time. (I know that shocks those of you that know me.) I tend to cram my to-do list with more tasks than I can reasonably accomplish, which means I am more likely to be frustrated and hurried as the day goes on.
  • A third thing, I have learned about myself, is that if I really want to remember to do stuff, I have to put the list somewhere obvious. My favorite location is the refrigerator, since I seem to love to go open the door every hour or so when I am home. (Why do I do that BTW? Do I think a magic fairy is going to deposit delicious calorie free food in there when I’m not looking?] If it is really, really, important that I remember something: I write a reminder on my hand. I learned from my kids.

I have also learned a few great habits in list making:

  • Have 3 to-do lists.
    • General overall list, so you don’t forget stuff. This might have sub-categories like shopping, online, work, home, meal prep, etc., it could be written, or on your computer or phone.
    • Weekly to-do list.
    • Daily to-do list.
  • Schedule tasks from your to-do lists’ into your calendar. Once a week, look at your calendar, and your overall tasks, and jot down things that must be accomplished in the coming week. As much as possible, set aside time in the week to accomplish these tasks, and actually write them in your calendar.
  • Limit your daily TO-DO list to 5 or 6 items. This little habit has a great impact. It forces you to narrow down what is most important to accomplish in your day, and reigns in the temptation to expect yourself to do more than can reasonably be accomplished. And that reduces stress, worry, hurry, and frustration, and increases a sense of accomplishment.

My daily to-do list always begins with this:

1. Be Restored

Be Restored: It is kind of ironic that my daily TO-DO list begins with something TO BE. As I choose to be quiet, to be available, to meditate on God’s word, and be attuned to what He is saying to me, I am connecting my heart and spirit with the one Person in the universe who knows me completely and loves me more than I can imagine. In this process, He restores my mind, emotions, spirit, and even my body. He forgives, He gives perspective, He reminds me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that He is taking care of me. He encourages me to release the past, move forward, and to enjoy the day.

No, I haven’t (and likely won’t) give up my TO-DO lists, but I have learned this: the most important thing, I can DO in my day, is TO BE restored. I can really tell if I miss it.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. Psalm 23:1-3

Read my meditation on Psalm 23:1-3 or check out the Belovedlove Psalm 23 Bracelet.

Share with us: What tips do you have for list making? How do you keep things in perspective?


Related posts: The Barnacles of Busy-nessPushing the Reset Button Again and AgainA Note in Your Lunchbox: giving thanks in all things

Be Still and Know that I am God, by Lydia Floren

tree on shore with "be still and Know that I am God." written on it.

Be still and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

In the swirl and stress of the holidays, or just daily living, God often uses these 8 words to restore my soul.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

The simple acts of being and knowing, free us from the Twilight Zone of Anxiety, the Abyss of Never Enough.

“Be still and know that I am God.”


  • Just be.
  • Be aware of being alive. Appreciate that you have a beating heart, and air to breathe.
  • Settle into the truth that
    • You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
    • You are wanted. Treasured. Valued. Loved.
    • You are known and you are loved.

Be still.

  • Just stop. Rest. Take a breath. Or two. Be still.
  • Be still on the inside, as well as the outside.
  • Release all those thoughts swirling around in your head.
  • Take your mind off your responsibilities, your concerns, those things in your head that are nagging you.
  • Let go right now, and just be still.

 And know.

  • Let truth sink in.
  • Be aware of what is real, and what is not.
  • What is beyond seeing and understanding—and is in the realm of just knowing.

Know that I

  • Know the Person who made you,
  • Who knows you better than you know yourself.
  • Who loves you with an everlasting love, which is in no way dependent on what you do or don’t do.
  • Who lives within you.
  • Who has your back.
  • Who has shown, and will show you how to live.
  • Who will never steer you wrong.
  • Who goes after you when you stray—deliberately or unintentionally–and brings you back to the path of life and joy.
  • Who restores your soul, leads you into the light and away from the darkness.
  • Who will never leave you or reject you.
  • Who keeps you safe—protects your identity, value, belonging and calling—for all eternity.

 Know that I am God.

Know that this person–your heavenly father, your friend, your one and only guide in life, your creator—is God.

He is God.

He is

  • 100% good.
  • The most powerful being in the universe.
  • Wise
  • Trustworthy
  • Present
  • Compassionate
  • Understanding
  • Forgiving
  • Non condemning
  • Full of life and joy
  • Available
  • Ready to show you a better way to live
  • Committed to walking with you on that way.

“Be Still and Know that I AM GOD.”  Psalm 46:10

How has this truth changed your life?  Please share with us!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30

Pushing the Reset Button Again and Again

reset button

by Lydia Floren

Reminders are funny things.

When I first stick that sticky note on my mirror, or the bracelet on my arm, it grabs my attention every time I see it, and does its job – it reminds me.  But just like anything, once a reminder has been there a few days, it becomes part of the landscape – I don’t even seem to notice it.

That “R” drawn on my hand indicating a “reset button” has been different.  Because it fades over time, I have to keep drawing it on my hand, and when I do, I remember why I am doing it.  Because my mind wanders (I know this surprises you) I have thought of several other things that “R” can stand for, each reminding me to reset in some way:

  • Renew: my outlook on life, and be renewed by God’s grace.
  • Receive: God’s presence, His grace, His acceptance, His gifts, His provision, His fruit, His friendship. His guidance, wisdom, strength, appreciation, delight, love.
  • Refocus: on Jesus, on what is important in life, on my God-given priorities and goals.
  • Receive: God’s all-embracing love every day.
  • Re-experience: God’s forgiveness, His gift of freedom from condemnation.
  • Remember: my identity, value, belonging, calling.
  • Release: from guilt, condemnation, the past, my destructive thought patterns and actions.
  • Rejoice: in God’s love for me, in His trustworthiness, His care, His wisdom, His communication, His direction.
  • Resume: walking with Him.
  • Restart, rest, refresh, reengage, regroup, reassess, re-plan, revise – you get the idea.

Receive is a big one today.

Thank you, Father, for the ability to receive:

  • Your delight with me, your tender care, your wisdom, your perspective, your insights, your acceptance, your grace.
  • Your spirit-gifts: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
  • Your love: patient, kind, humble, forgiving and forgetting of wrongs, strong, faith-filled and faithful, uncondemning, hopeful, enduring, never-failing.
  • Your presence: within me, restoring my soul.
  • Your embrace: including me, giving me a place and a purpose, helping me to discover, enjoy and share the many gifts you have given me.
  • Your calling.

Thank you for the ability to be able to receive Your calling for me to love others in the same way I love myself. Thank you for the privilege of giving, sharing, loving those around me, and the amazing sense of fulfillment and blessing that results from that, much of the time. Thank you that even when I feel nothing, or sense no positive feedback, I know deep in my soul that you are at work–that loving others with your love is powerful.

What do you need to remind yourself of today?

Green Field Landscape near Forest, blue Sky

Rest for My Soul

heavy load

Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden

We fail.

We mess up.  We make bad decisions, and many times the heavy load we carry is the result of those choices.  When we recognize this, we pile on self-condemnation—guilt and shame.  Not God, our Loving Father.  He opens His arms wide, and says:

Child come here.  Put down that heavy load, and climb up in My lap and tell Me all about it.  Receive the grace, the forgiveness I so want to give you, and let me release you from your worry.  Quit accepting shame, and embrace the freedom-joy of My love once again.  Just leave it to Me.  I will help you know what to do as you move forward from here.

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me

I will not only show you what to do now, but I will help you learn from this.  I can teach you to be free of your compulsions, to see more of the world from My perspective, so you don’t make this same mistake twice.  If you choose, My Holy Spirit will do this deep healing in your spirit. 

For my load is easy and my burden is light and you shall find rest for your souls

It is so much easier–and more enjoyable–to follow Me when you aren’t carrying unnecessary burdens.  The load I give you is quite simple: stay connected with Me.  Don’t let anything get in the way of this connection, especially not your mistakes. Don’t let anything keep you from embracing the identity, value, belonging and calling I have given you.

When you stay connected with Me, you will be able to hear my voice and follow where I am leading you to go.

I will show you the next step from here.

Do not anxiously look about you for I am your GodReaching forward to what lies ahead I press on to the upward call of God in Christ JesusCast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you

What helps you stay connected to God, even in the midst of failure?

come to me all who are weary and heavy laden

By Lydia Floren

Image by woodleywonderworks

Facing My Failures, Embracing God’s Grace

God's love reaches into me warming me like hot tea - peace - he restores my soulIt’s hard to see my own shortcomings.  I don’t want to look at my ugly wounds.  But, if I desire to heal – to be restored – I must first face these flaws.  Then, I must be still and allow the Great Physician to free me from the habits-rooted-in-lies that keep me doing the same destructive things over and over.  Sometimes God’s knife must go deep – it can’t be helped – to get to the root of the lie.  The results are definitely worth it:  true healing, and with it, profound joy.

Father, forgive me for my haughtiness, my rudeness, my feeling of superiority, of trying to jockey for position, or importance.  Help me to be an instrument of your peace, not of my own pride. Thank you for restoring my soul.

The deeper my soul reaches toward Truth, the more deeply God’s love reaches into me, warming me, like a cup of hot tea on a cool morning.  In the safety of His embrace, I can celebrate my God-given identity, value, belonging and calling independent of others’ fluctuating opinions, or influence.

Each time I manage to turn around and face my failures, the brilliance of God’s grace takes me by surprise

Why do I forget this?   How can I learn to remember?Hebrews 4:16 let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence

2 corinthians 2:19 my grace is sufficient for you

Psalm 23:3 he restores my soul

Do you ever find yourself running from yourself?    What prompts you to remember the brilliance of God’s grace?

We would love to hear from you!

God's grace is brilliant - joy - God's love