by Lydia Floren
I have spent a lot of time, over the years, learning how to experience and live in God’s love. I have read books, scoured the scriptures. I have prayed. And I have written articles and launched a website, and spoken to groups on this topic. And prayed some more. You would think by now I would be living a life where I experience God’s love all the time, that it would come naturally to me. But, often it doesn’t. Yes, there are times when I “live in the presence of accepted tenderness”, as Brennan Manning calls it. In those moments or days, I feel like I am in a speedboat skipping over the waves, grinning from ear to ear. My heart overflows.
But how quickly my world can shift! I get caught up in the little things, which somehow morph into big things. Or I get blindsided, suddenly lashed by a severe storm. One minute I am atop the water, the next I am up to my chin in choppy waves, struggling for every breath. My natural reaction, of course, is to flail, to fight with all my strength to keep my head above the current. In my panic I have lost sight of Jesus’ steady gaze. I no longer see his strong hand just inches from my own.
My lifeline
In the middle of the tempest God often whispers (and his whisper can be very loud, believe me!)
“Give thanks.”
“What? can’t you see I’m drowning here, Father? There is no time for this.”
“I see exactly what is going on, Child.”
“Give thanks. Now.”
I have learned through hard experience that I had best pay attention to that oh-so-kind voice. To take a gulp of air and give thanks right where I am. When I do, the whole tempest around me shapeshifts into calm. The storm isn’t gone, of course. I have just found the calm in its center. So I begin…
Thank you…
Thank you that you are going to make something wonderful out of all of this, and work it all to good. thank you for your goodness. Your care. Your constant presence in my life. thank you that I can trust you to give me strength to do what you are calling me to do. thank you for teaching me not to avoid the fire, but to walk through it under your protection. Thank you that you are not, and never will be, ashamed of me. That you know and have covered, not only my past mistakes, but also the ones I will make in the future. Thank you that you love me more than I can imagine. And thank you that I can trust you to guide me, and protect me.
Thanksgiving changes everything. It is like opening the valve to a fire hydrant on a hot day. Or turning on the light in a dark room. Or…or meeting God’s gaze in the middle of the storm, and then clutching on to his hand with all my might. Terrified one minute, and content the next.
Are you in the middle of a storm? Overwhelmed with mounting bills, a deep hurt, or a scary diagnosis? Or an oppressive sense of failure? Are you fighting for your life?
Maybe it’s time to stop reacting to the problem, and start looking toward Your Lifeline. To quit flailing.
Take a deep breath. And then whisper these simple words: “Thank you….”
Once you start, He’ll help you fill in the rest.