Tag Archives: Belovedlove

how god speaks through the bible

How God Can Speak Through the Bible – First Things First Part 4

We’ve been talking about learning to listen to God. Here is an example of that.

Sometimes we fail. We mess up. We make bad decisions, and many times the heavy load we carry is the result of those choices. When we recognize this, we pile on self-condemnation—guilt and shame. But when we take time to listen, we don’t hear condemnation from God, but something far different:

Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Child come here. Put down that heavy load, and climb up in My lap and tell Me all about it. Receive the grace, the forgiveness I so want to give you, and let me release you from your worry. Quit accepting shame, and embrace the freedom-joy of My love once again. Just leave it to Me. I will help you know what to do as you move forward from here.

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.

I will not only show you what to do now, but I will help you learn from this. I can teach you to be free of your compulsions, to see more of the world from My perspective, so you don’t make this same mistake twice. If you choose, My Holy Spirit will do this deep healing in your spirit.

For my load is easy, and my burden is light and you shall find rest for your souls.

It is so much easier–and more enjoyable–to follow Me when you aren’t carrying unnecessary burdens. The load I give you is quite simple: stay connected with Me. Don’t let anything get in the way of this connection, especially not your mistakes. Don’t let anything keep you from embracing the identity, value, belonging and calling I have given you.

When you stay connected with Me, you will be able to hear my voice and follow where I am leading you to go.

What has God been saying to you?

the cost of being with us is worth it to God

Worth It

When my husband Andrew and I started dating, we wanted to be together as much as possible, and went to great lengths sometimes to make it happen. We were both extremely busy physicians working in different parts of Orlando. Andrew was in residency at Florida Hospital in downtown, and I was practicing in a northern suburb called Altamont Springs. Many days I would hurry through my morning patients, jump in the car and drive downtown 20+ minutes or so to meet Andrew for lunch. I’d spent twice as much time in the car as I did with him. But it didn’t matter. To me, it was worth it just to see him for a few minutes in the middle of the day.

God loves us like that. He sacrificed a lot so that we could have access to Him. The cost—his son’s life–was worth it to Him. We were, and are, worth it. Hebrews 12:2 says “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”

The more we experience God’s love, the more we want to spend time with Him. His love draws us like a moth to a flame.

Do you know—really know—just how much God loves you? Are you aware of His desire to spend time with you, just to be with you? And how much it cost Him so that could happen? What can you do to stay more aware, more grateful for this love?

our loving father

Our Loving Father

As my boys were growing up, I remember having this thought over and over again: it can’t get any better than this. This is the perfect age (ok maybe not at 15). I would want to just freeze that place in time and stay there. Yet now my sons are all grown, and I wouldn’t trade this present time with them for any other. It is wonderful to know them as fully independent adults, discovering and enjoying life in the unique way every human being does. And it is awesome that they allow me to be a part of it.

God loves us like this. He is not waiting until we grow up or become “good enough” before He loves us and appreciates us. He delights in each part of our journey, and enjoys us most where we are right now. He does challenge us to grow, but doesn’t expect more of us than our maturity can handle.

Do I make mistakes? Misbehave? Rebel? Have an attitude? Think I know more than my Loving Parent? Of course I do. Too often.

But God’s grace is amazing, and His arms always open to love and forgive and restore.

The Choice Belovedlove Lydia Floren

The Choice


I’m messed up.

You are too.


We have weaknesses




Blind spots.


God is aware.

He accepts us

in the middle of all our mess.

He knows us better than we know ourselves.

And He loves us more than we can comprehend,

So much so that He sacrificed dearly

so that He could lead us out of our confusion,

and into freedom and joy.


When we come to Him we are needy.

We’ve realized we can’t free ourselves from our dark tangle.

With one word, one costly Word, He erases all of our past wrongs.

even though we may repeat them (or already have).

He releases us

And then He reaches out to step alongside Him.

Will we accept His strength, His love?

Or will we turn away,

shutting our ears to our shouting need?


It isn’t easy to follow His way.

It takes hard work, persistence, perseverance

to shed the shackles that have long imprisoned us.

But we are not alone. And we are not on our own.

We do this together with Him.

Guided by Him.

Empowered by Him.


And the joy, the joy eclipses the pain.

The joy of belonging. Of being wanted, treasured.

Of understanding that we have a purpose. And make a difference.

The joy of knowing, to the depth of our souls

that we are loved–loved as we have always longed to be.

That joy is worth everything.


Where are you?

Are you just starting out?

Are you stuck in a pit of your own making?

Have you lost your way?


Right now, wherever you are,

God is there.

He knows


His eyes shine with a penetrating love that almost lifts you off your feet.

His hand reaches out to yours.


He’s made His choice.


What will yours be?


dodge the urge

Complaint and Contentment Series – Part 3: Dodge the Urge

Complaining is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. (Which is ironic, because I certainly do it
enough.) Seriously, does anyone enjoy hanging out with a complainer? I don’t think so. But we
can all slip in to that mindset. So how do we dodge the urge to share our woes with whoever
will listen?

One way we dodge the urge to complain is by remembering the negative impact it can have on others.

Here are four good reasons to dodge the urge to complain:

  1. Complaining causes De-joy. (vs. En-joy) I can be having a great day, and thinking
    things are going well, and someone can gripe about the food, or the weather, or how
    things are being managed, or about another person, and suddenly my mind is drawn to
    what is wrong instead of what is right. Negative words are toxic– they dissolve our joy.
  2. Complaining causes Dis-content. Once my mind is engaged in seeing the negative
    instead of the positive, I start to notice the negative more and more. I am caught in a
    whirlpool of unhappy thoughts that can spiral down into depression, hopelessness,
    resentment and self-pity.
  3. Complaining causes De-struction. Complaining can destroy your attitude and devastate
    your relationships. The more you complain, the more it infects your mind with negative
    thoughts, destroying your attitude. And the more you complain, the less meaningful
    relationships you will have because:
  4. Complaining causes Dis-trust. Not only to people dislike listening to complainers, they
    distrust them. “If she complains about that person to me, what is she saying about me to

Jesus said “It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that
come out of your mouth.” Matthew 15:11 NLT

Are you fighting the temptation to complain? Dodge the urge by remembering what your
negative words can cause: de-joy, dis-content, de-struction, dis-trust.

Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips. Psalm 141:3

Click below to read other posts in this series on “Complaint and Contentment:”

Complaint and Contentment Series – Part 1: Complaining

Complaint and Contentment Series – Part 2: From Bitter to Better

Complaint and Contentment Series – Part 4: 10 Tips to Overcome Complaining