Author Archives: Lydia Floren

Preventive Maintenance

Sometimes my patients can try my patience.

Often a patient comes to see me only when they are very sick. They can’t figure out what is wrong, and how to get healthy again. So I do my best to diagnose the problem, but also try to look further, to see what may be behind the problem that affected their health in the first place.  And then I give my best advice on how to treat the illness. But I also try to say a few words about preventive maintenance. I encourage them to make some changes to improve their overall health, so they are less likely to get sick. To address the bigger issues that affect their ability to fight infection like diabetes, inactivity, overworking, extra weight, poor diet, lack of prevention.

Usually a patient will follow my recommendations for their acute illness, such as take the prescription, drink fluids, rest. But once he feels better, he sets aside the more serious issues. Often, I won’t see him in my office until the next illness strikes.

Preventive Maintenance for My Soul

If I am honest with myself, I can do the same thing, not so much with my physical health as with my spiritual health. I reach out to God with “fire alarm prayers,” but when things settle down ignore the preventive maintenance for my soul, those things that I do that keep my life more on an even keel.

It is so easy to chug along in life and neglect the soul-healing habits of my inner life that sustain my outer life. Reading God’s word, spending quality time with Him listening as well as talking, connecting with other believers—these things are preventive maintenance for my soul.

What habits of preventive maintenance for your soul have you developed? Are there any that have fallen by the wayside? What will you do to get back on track?

Where Do You Live?

When we moved to the small town of Florence, South Carolina, we bought a house in an established neighborhood. As we started to meet people, they would often ask where we lived. They didn’t just want to know what neighborhood we lived in, but which house in that neighborhood. Once someone realized which house we lived in they would almost always say “Oh, you live in the Whisenhunt house,” referring to the previous owners, whose last name was Whisenhunt. This happened so often that after awhile when someone asked me where we lived, I would just say “we live in the Whisenhunt’s old house.” Most times the person would smile and nod, and say something like “oh, that’s a great house.” 


One time I was at the checkout counter of a local store, buying a doorbell. When I handed my check to the clerk she glanced down at it, and then looked up, a big grin on her face.  “Oh,” she said, “I see from your address that you’re living in the Whisenhunt’s old house.”

John 8:31–32 says “If you abide in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

In the Greek, “abide” means to continue, dwell, remain. So abiding in God’s word, means to remain, or “continue to be present” in His word.  God’s word becomes our home, our safe place. The center of our lives.  

Abiding in His word means that we surround ourselves—our minds, hearts, spirits—with the words and truths of the Bible. We read it, memorize it, explore it in context. We talk about it, model our lives after it. When we do these things, the truths in God’s word sink deep down into us and becomes a part of us, influencing how we interact with others, and how we see the world.

Are you abiding in God’s word? Are you reading it regularly, reminding yourself of its truths?  Is it so much a part of you that it often in your thoughts?  

Take some time today to read the Bible–may be a long chapter, or only a few words.  Think about what you read. Write it down. Put it in your phone. Ask God to show you new insights from the passage, and how to apply it in your life.

Get so comfortable in God’s word that you feel at home there. As you do, it will change you. And it will bless those around you.

By Lydia Floren

cozy fire for jammy day

A Jammy Day

Have you ever felt like something is not quite right, but you can’t put your finger on it? I’ve had that feeling the last couple of days. I can tell because I am unusually forgetful and distracted. I might walk into a room and can’t remember why I went in there, and then retrace my steps, remember what I needed, and go back. And do it all over again. My thoughts jump from one topic to another like fleas on a dog. I can be deep in conversation with someone and stop talking mid-sentence, completely forgetting what I was going to say next.

And I withdraw. I don’t want to talk to anyone, be near anyone. I just want to stay in the bed and pull the covers over my head.

Sometimes it takes me getting to the “covers-over-the-head” stage before I’m willing to stop long enough to figure out what might be going on. Am I am losing my mind?  Oh, no. Maybe I’m developing early Alzheimer’s. But wait. People with Alzheimer’s don’t usually escape to their bed and pull the covers over their headsIt’s the people that are anxious or depressed  that do that. Am I depressed? Anxious? What is stressing me out so much that I don’t want to get out of my jammies? 

I start reviewing the last few days.  Well, I just got back from a wonderful Christian writers conference. I met some great folks. It was uplifting and informative.  But instead of benefiting from this flood of information, I am letting it paralyze me. So much to do. Where do I start? Do I finish what I have been working on, or do I abandon it and go a different direction? Do I take one expert’s advice and build my platform for a year before publishing my book, or do I send off book proposals now? Should I focus on writing articles, or starting a video blog?

So here I am. Under the covers. In my jammies.

I know, I know.  God can help me break free from this downward swirl of thoughts and emotions. I’m just not quite sure how. Sigh. As the covers creep back over my head, something catches my eye. The book Ordinary Graces by Lucinda McDowell is peeking out of my purse, placed there by my new friend Lucinda right as we were leaving the conference. I reached over and pick it up, and I start to read. Each devotion holds a fresh truth, and page by page I feel my fears slip away like raindrops beading off a windshield.  Peace—that supernatural peace that only God can give– settles over me. I can relax. God’s got this. And He’s got me.

What about you? Are you feeling the effects of stress? Have you been forgetful? Distracted? Hurried? How might God be speaking to you?

In Isaiah, God said “Do not fear for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about, for I am your God.”

God is here. He loves us more than we can fathom. And when we focus on God, and not our situation, our fears fade away. He knows what we need before we ask Him. God will help us to see what our next steps should be–and when it is best to just be still.

Because He knows that sometimes what we need most is a jammy day.


By Lydia Floren

Imperfectly Beautiful

I love the beach, especially walking on the beach, and when I stroll along the water’s edge, I’m always looking out for that “perfect” sea shell— big, unflawed, colorful. But the last time I walked on the beach it wasn’t the pristine shells that caught my eye, but those that had obviously been around for a while.  The ones broken and smoothed by the surf, encrusted with trails of other creatures that had either coexisted with the original inhabitant, or had set up house long after the owner had vacated.

These unique shells display a deeper, richer kind of beauty, one that forms when many lives intersect in different ways and times. They remind me that the more we love and are loved, the more beautiful we become. And that even after we are gone, our love will continue to bless those we have touched. And those they touch.

Don’t look for “perfection” in someone else–or yourself. Instead, search for the intricate patterns that form when one life imprints on another. Find that deeper, richer kind of beauty. And when you find it, take a moment to celebrate.

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14

the best kind of love is already yours

The Best Kind of Love is Already Yours

Last week I shared a reflection thanking God for the love He has for me.

Being loved by God is such a mystery. A gift. I’ve written on this before, to try to understand it for myself and in hope that you might understand it better, too.

Jeremiah 31:3 says, “I love you with an everlasting love.” Do you need a reminder of what it means when God says “I love you”?

Or perhaps your heart would be refreshed if you reread The Father’s Love Letter by Barry Adams.

Psalm 23 is a chapter that helps me to remember the peace and protection that come from being loved by God, so I created a bracelet to wear when I need a reminder.

God loves you, not just on February 14th, but every month and every day. His love is yours for the taking – you just need to remember to lay claim to it. What can you do this week to re-open your eyes to God’s love for you?


Thank You that I am Your beloved. That You love me. You treasure my company, care about every detail of my life.  You want the very best for me.

Thank You for Your love.

Your love shines light into my soul. It illuminates my identity, my value, my belonging, my calling. It frees me to be completely myself and liberates me from false beliefs and destructive habits of thought and action that keep me from being fully myself, the person You created and love.

Thank you.

Your love settles me, and gives me peace and rest. It empowers me to do what I cannot do on my own. Your perfect love casts out all fear. You keep me safe.

Thank you.

You are love. You created it. Define it. Embody it.  You protect me. Cherish me. Heal me. Refresh me. Lead me. Teach me to love others in my own unique way. You accompany me every minute of every day in my journey through life. Showing me more and more about what it means to be loved. And what it means to love.

Thank You. For being You. And encouraging me to be me.

Fully myself. Fully Your child.


How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalm 36:7

I trust in your unfailing love. Psalm 13:5

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love.  Zephaniah 3:17

Light in the Darkness – Light Series Part 3

A little while ago I talked about my struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder and the role of light therapy in helping to overcome that. Well, for the past few weeks I have been able to take advantage of the Ultimate Light Therapy—the sun. I’ve been in Florida, and am due to go back to Wisconsin shortly. It is amazing how being in the bright sunshine day after day has changed me. I actually feel more like myself than I have in a long time. And I actually feel tanked up, and ready to return to below 0 temperatures and piles of snow. I have had such a good dose of sunshine that I think it will see me through until the return of the long and beautiful days that make up a Wisconsin summer.

Isaiah 60:19 says “No longer will you need the sun to shine by day, nor the moon to give its light by night, for the LORD your God will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.”

The more time we spend in God’s presence, the less our circumstances affect us. He helps us to see things, even hard things, from His point of view. And His light shines brighter and brighter in our hearts. So bright that in carries over into our darkest days.

Have you been spending time in the bright light of God’s presence?


This is the third post in my series on light. Click below to read the previous posts in this series:

The Power of Light

Light to See

Light to See – Light Series Part 2

light to see

One time at my sister’s house Andrew and I were sleeping in their guest room, and I woke up about 3am to get up to go to the bathroom.  Still half asleep, I stumbled through the bathroom door……and found myself tumbling down the stairs.  It was dark, and (obviously) I wasn’t terribly familiar with the floor plan of the house. I thought I was going one way, but I was really going quite another.

If I had left the light on in the hall, I wouldn’t have made that mistake.

Isaiah 42:16 says “I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains.”

It is always good to seek God’s light, but it is especially important if we are in an unfamiliar place.  Maybe we have just moved to a new town, or taken a new job. We find ourselves in new surroundings, or with people we don’t know.  Or it could be we are facing a fresh challenge, such as a health issue or a financial situation. Or maybe God is leading us to give Him an area of our lives that we haven’t yielded to Him before.

Whatever this change is, extra light will make it easier to navigate.  Spend extra time each morning in God’s presence. Listen for His kind voice, reassuring you of His love for you. and directing your next steps.

And then embrace the day and move forward. Confident that God is with you in this unfamiliar territory and will be there to guide you through any rough spots.

Where are you in your journey of living life with God? Are you in unfamiliar territory right now?  

The Power of Light – Light Series Part 1

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common malady, especially in a place like Wisconsin, where I live and practice medicine. In Wisconsin wintertime the days are short and often overcast. This lack of light can change a person’s brain chemistry and cause them to feel depressed.

What helps?

One of the most effective treatments for SAD is light.  Believe it or not, just sitting under a special light for 30 minutes every morning can help balance out that altered brain chemistry.

While only some people experience SAD, all of us are prone to Spiritual Seasonal Affective Disorder. The darkness of pain or loss—or just the stress of everyday life–can gradually pull us down into a pit of despair or hopelessness that drains us of energy and suffocates our joy.

One of the best ways to prevent this SSAD, and to treat it when you have it, is to spend time with God at the beginning of each day. 1 John 1:5 says “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” When we spend time with Him, we are sitting under the brightest light in the world.

Are you suffering from SSAD? Or do you want to prevent it? Make a plan. And then follow the plan. Spend at least 30 minutes every morning sitting in the God’s bright presence. When you do this consistently, you will find that gradually your perspective– and your joy– is restored.

What is your favorite way to experience God’s presence in the morning?

New Year, New Plans

As we kick off 2019, many of us are re-evaluating things and looking ahead to the new year. We are making resolutions, thinking about new habits, and seeking God’s direction in our lives.

I have written many posts – even series of posts – that are relevant to the “planning season” of the year, so this week I thought I’d give you a roundup of 5 posts I’ve written in previous years around this time (or on similar topics), so you can revisit the ones that you need most this week:

sunset over the sea

Last year I laid out my “Four Steps to Planning the Year.” This is a great place to start if you don’t already have a process for yourself.


I wrote a series of three posts on Goals – starting with “Taking Aim”. If you need to review and revisit your goals, this would be a great place for you to start.


Over mountain scene, "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. Jef. 29:11

This four-part planning series, beginning with “God’s Plan A,”  deals with God’s plans for us, how we can know if we need to re-evaluate, different ways of planning, and praying through planning.


2:5:16 Pray Plan Pray

If praying through your plans is the area you want to focus on, read “Pray Plan Pray” for my framework for praying at the beginning of the year.


3:9:16 Prepping for success

Prepping for Success” is a post I wrote about how I stay focused on my daily meeting with God. If you are looking to start a new habit this year, and particularly if that habit is staying focused in your daily meetings with God, read this post for my best tips.