Monthly Archives: July 2019

how god speaks through the bible

How God Can Speak Through the Bible – First Things First Part 4

We’ve been talking about learning to listen to God. Here is an example of that.

Sometimes we fail. We mess up. We make bad decisions, and many times the heavy load we carry is the result of those choices. When we recognize this, we pile on self-condemnation—guilt and shame. But when we take time to listen, we don’t hear condemnation from God, but something far different:

Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Child come here. Put down that heavy load, and climb up in My lap and tell Me all about it. Receive the grace, the forgiveness I so want to give you, and let me release you from your worry. Quit accepting shame, and embrace the freedom-joy of My love once again. Just leave it to Me. I will help you know what to do as you move forward from here.

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.

I will not only show you what to do now, but I will help you learn from this. I can teach you to be free of your compulsions, to see more of the world from My perspective, so you don’t make this same mistake twice. If you choose, My Holy Spirit will do this deep healing in your spirit.

For my load is easy, and my burden is light and you shall find rest for your souls.

It is so much easier–and more enjoyable–to follow Me when you aren’t carrying unnecessary burdens. The load I give you is quite simple: stay connected with Me. Don’t let anything get in the way of this connection, especially not your mistakes. Don’t let anything keep you from embracing the identity, value, belonging and calling I have given you.

When you stay connected with Me, you will be able to hear my voice and follow where I am leading you to go.

What has God been saying to you?