by Lydia Floren
When you think of “love,” what comes to mind? Candle-lit dinners? Moonlight walks on the beach? Gifts that begin with Kay? In our world the word “love” covers a lot of territory. Love can describe anything from a romantic infatuation to a food preference. According to Webster, love is defined as “a warm attachment, enthusiasm or devotion,” or “unselfish…concern for the good of another.”
People have written a lot about love. Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
“Love means intimacy, closeness, mutual vulnerability, and a deep sense of safety.” Henri Nouwen
“Acceptance of the other, whatever he is.” Anais Nin
“To love at all is to be vulnerable.” CS Lewis
“Genuine love is honor put into action regardless of the cost.” Gary Smalley and John Trent
“Love is a decision.” Smalley and Trent
“Love is a choice you make everyday.” Gary Chapman
“Love is a verb.” Chapman
“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything. “ Katharine Hepburn
“Love is not obligation done with a cold soul. It is when one person believes in another person and shows it.” Rabbi David Wolpe.
“[God’s] love is not a passing fancy or a superficial emotion; it is a profound and unshakable commitment that seeks what is best for us.” Billy Graham
Love is “a warm attachment, enthusiasm or devotion.” Webster
Love is “unselfish…concern for the good of another.” Webster
What are some of your favorite quotes about love?
Read “Love Is… Part 1” here.