“Oh, she thinks she’s God’s gift to the world.”
Have you ever heard someone say that? Or said it yourself? I know I have. When I have made that snarky comment, I really mean, “She is soooo conceited. She is totally self-focused. She only cares about what matters to her. She never thinks about anyone but herself.”
HMMM. “Self-focused”? “Always thinking about herself”? Sounds a lot like me sometimes, especially when I am having a pity party. (BTW, my pity party may have many invitees, but only one person will show up: me!)
God’s gift to the world.
In my prayers this morning, I learned to see that phrase, “God’s gift to the world,” in a whole different light. I was sharing my discouragement and discontent with God, (OK complaining ☺ He is such a patient listener!) and then I felt Him telling me:
“You are my blessing to the world. To the people you touch, the lives you reach. You alone can touch and reach people in your own unique way.”
You know, when you look at it like that, every person is God’s gift to the world. We are each unique creations. No one can love someone else exactly like we can. And no one else will have the encounters we have this day. Because we will never pass this way again.
Each person is unique, and each moment is unique.
Each encounter is an opportunity to love someone in our own unique way.
You, my dear friend, are God’s gift to the world. So today, have a blast blessing those around you in your own unique way!
Enjoy who you are. Love the person in front of you. Live in the abundance of God’s love.
I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14