I made a new friend at a conference last summer, a writer named Letitia Suk. In her wonderful book Rhythms of Renewal, Tish mentioned her practice of recording a few things everyday in a thanksgiving journal. I was inspired. I started a thanksgiving journal of my own. (I’m still a bit spotty, but the habit is taking hold.)
As I mentioned last week, it is easy for me to forget to actually give thanks TO God. In the same way, I can also neglect to give thanks FOR God. Like the prodigal and his brother, in focusing on the Father’s gifts, I can overlook His greatest gift: Himself.
So I have an idea for advent: each time I write in my thanksgiving journal, I will try to include at least one attribute of God that I am particularly thankful for. For example:
Thank you Father, for
- Your kindness
- Your wisdom
- Your sense of humor
- Your beauty
- Your grace
- Your strength
- Your consistency
- Your faithfulness
- Thank you for the ways I have seen You and known You more this year
Thanking God for Himself. What a wonderful way to celebrate Immanuel – God with us!
What a wonderful way of welcoming in advent!
Share with us: What qualities of God are you particularly thankful for?
Oh, Lydia you hit a cord with me! Gratitude is such an essential attribute in a relationship……especially with God! I am going to take your lead and remember this! Thanks you so much and remember, I love you dearly and thank God for you!
I love you too Chris.
I am thankful Lord for your peace and comfort !
I thank you, Father, for your open arms – for the way you invite us into your family. You didn’t have to. We are all broken and dirty. But you sent your perfect Son to cleanse us and make us whole. I’m especially grateful this year for your family, the body of Christ, and the many ways they continue to encourage me now that my husband of 55 years has passed to his eternal home.