“Whenever I have seen God’s wondrous work, …the thing that has always impressed me the most was the absolute quietness in which it was done.” -A.B. Simpson
When God drew His first breath as a human being, it wasn’t to great fanfare or a noisy celebration. His entrance into this world was a relatively quiet affair. It was eventful, yes, in the “Oh my gracious the baby is coming” sort of way. Painful. Messy. Joyful. It was an ordinary – albeit always extraordinary – birth.
And yet it was also miraculous. Jesus’ birth marked the first time that God lived within a person. As a Person.
Thirty-three or so years later, this extraordinary God-man named Jesus was murdered.
Jesus died, but He was not defeated. Jesus overcame the grave, and the power of evil in this world, and returned home. And then He sent back a gift to every person willing to accept it: the gift of Himself.
And so the miracle continues. Immanuel. God with us. God living within us, transforming our ordinary lives with His extraordinary presence.
Don’t miss a moment of it, obsessing about something you think you want, and then trying to figure out how to get it.
The truth is, all you or I ever truly want or need is right here with us, within us.
Loving us.
Healing us.
Guiding us.
Giving us the deep soul-satisfying life that can only come from Him.
A miracle. THE Miracle. Immanuel—God with us.