10,000 words

10,000 Words           by Lydia Floren

I had the privilege of visiting lndia a week ago. It was my second visit to this fascinating country.  I did a 2 month rotation there as a med student.  I loved it then and I love it now. I think Indians, particularly the women, are some of the most beautiful people in the world. In lieu of a blog this week, (and because a picture is worth a thousand words) I am sharing some candids from this wonderful place.

(for more pics, click here )


Mary and Marlene…beautiful!


fashion show after Marlene spent 20 minutes wrapping me up!


Carol’s smile blends right in with these beauties


mowing the lawn with cycles and brushes


yee haw. gives a new meaning to hump day!


beauty in every decade


the art of eating in lndia!


demonstrating the merchandise. Yes I was one of those dumb americans that bought one!


lots of laughter. we women really are a lot alike all over the world.

rice field (2)

weeding the rice field

reminder (2)

a way to remember

ravinder with us (2)

Hello and goodbye, Ravinder.

orphanage sweep (2)

sweeping before lunch

orph. lunch1

lunch at the orphanage

ancient tree

ancient tree on the taj grounds

family roadtrip

family roadtrip

orphanage peekaboo (2)


orph. faces4 orph. goodbye2 orph. goodbye (2) orph. faces8 (2) orph. faces6 orph. faces

ancient tree in Agra

lining up at the medical clinic

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