Let me tell you a little secret about me: I am a clandestine celebrity watcher. Yes, I am one of those people who scan the headlines in the grocery checkout lane. At the hairdresser, I’ll scroll through the latest People magazine. I might even be known to [gasp] Google a star of my favorite TV show. I make excuses for this somewhat silly voyeurism: “I need to be aware of what is going on in Daniel’s world,” I’ll tell myself. But truthfully, I probably know more about some stuff (the unimportant stuff) in Hollywood, than does my actor son Daniel, who actually lives there! Besides, my “star watching” started long before Daniel chose his career path and moved to LA.
OK, now that you know my little secret, you shouldn’t be surprised that my favorite part of the Sunday paper is Parade Magazine. Which gets me to the part that might actually interest you.
Not too long ago Parade featured an interview with actor Hugh Jackman, aka “Wolverine”, of the X-Men.
In the article, Jackman unabashedly acknowledged his Christianity, and described how his faith is intertwined with his work. Here are his words, as quoted in Parade:
“I’m a religious person. This is going to sound weird to you. In Chariots of Fire, the runner, Eric Liddell, says, ‘When I run, I feel His pleasure.’ And I feel that pleasure when I act and it’s going well, particularly onstage. I feel what everyone’s searching for, the feeling that unites us all. Call it ‘God’. Before I go onstage every night, I pause and dedicate the performance to God, in the sense of ‘Allow me to surrender’. When you allow yourself to surrender to the story, to the character, to the night, to the audience, transcendence happens. And when that happens, there is nothing like it on the planet. It’s the moment people experience when they fall in love, which is equally frightening and exciting. That’s what it feels like.”
I think God wants each of us to experience moments like Liddell’s and Jackman’s. These moments come when we surrender ourselves to Him. When we relinquish control and just trust Him, we become a conduit for His Holy Spirit to work through us.
God wants us to “feel His pleasure”, as we do what He made us to do.
When we do, it is as if Jesus murmurs in our ear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master.”
How have you seen God work through you when you surrender?
p.s. Here’s a link to the Parade article on Hugh Jackman: