O’Hare Airport: The Ultimate Test of
Patience, Part 4
(Click to read Part 1: The Scramble, Part 2: Cot City, or Part 3: Giving Thanks!)
We made it to Hilton Head, and spent four glorious days in a room overlooking the ocean. When we returned, people asked “how was your trip?” My mind immediately went to
- sunrises over the water,
- walks on the beach collecting shells,
- discovering an old Civil War graveyard,
- biking down flower-lined streets to a secluded park overlooking the bay,
- wandering out to an isolated part of the beach at low tide with friends, finding sand dollars and conch shells inhabited by crabs,
- eating great seafood at some wonderful restaurants, including low country boil, and some truly wonderful key lime pie, and
- strolling through Savannah with my sweetheart.
The “O’Hare experience” was a forgotten nightmare only briefly recalled (just a little PTSD) as we passed through Chicago unimpeded on our way back home. Funny thing, a couple of our new/old friends from the original flight were on the plane with us back to Chicago. They were all smiles. They had a great time on their golf trip–36 holes the first day there.
It is amazing how blessings eclipse tough experiences when we let them. We remember what we choose to remember. We remember what we remind ourselves to remember. And what we share with others is either a gift or a downer.
All good things come to those who wait, especially in difficult situations. Being patient is possible when I know that God works all things to good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose. This truth gives me real hope: I can anticipate with joy the good God is doing and will do.
When did you choose to remember the good during a difficult situation?
By Lydia Floren