Monthly Archives: April 2014

True Peace is the Absence of Fear

My peace I give to you…

The peace of God is unlike any other that we see on earth.  It is not an uneasy truce, or an acquiescence to domination.  It is the abiding understanding that our identity, our value, our belonging, and our calling are safe.  No person or spiritual force can change this in any way.  We can come to God in tears, feeling worthless, or abandoned, or like failures.  He reminds us that we are precious. We are His, and we are one of His chosen vehicles for loving the world.  We can go into our days with confidence and light hearts. And, we are safe.  We are not alone.  The God of Peace is with us, within us, and He loves us.

True peace is the absence of fear, and the Presence of God.

peace is the absence of fear

He restores my soul.  Psalm 23:3

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.  Psalm 126:6

Perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4:18

Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.  Psalm 90:14

God’s Supreme Attribute

by Lydia Floren

I love this quote by Billy Graham, so appropriate in the Easter Season,from his book The Journey.  He gave the ultimate gift – His life – so that we would be able to connect with Him intimately, daily, His presence continually with and within us.  Nothing can demonstrate His love and deep desire for all of us more than for us to spend an unending future with Him in the bliss-filled place called Heaven:

“The more I read the Bible, the more I realize that love is God’s supreme attribute.  Behind every dealing God has with us is His perfect love.  It was love that made Him create us, and it was love that caused Him to send His Son to redeem us.  His love pursues us and draws us to Himself, and His love will someday take us into His presence forever. ‘This is love:  not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sin…s’ (1 John 4:10).  His love is not a passing fancy or a superficial emotion;  it is a profound and unshakable commitment that seeks what is best for us.  Human love may change or fade; God’s love never will.  He says to us, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.’ (Jeremiah 31:3).”

-Billy Graham (The Journey, p.22)

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13 NLT)

For more thoughts/observations about God’s great love, visit

God's love is a profound and unshakable commitment that seeks what is best for us. Billy Graham

Peace in Chaos

God gives us peace

Andrew and I were the first of our friends to have a baby, and as all new parents know, that first little one goes with you everywhere. When Michael was first born we were going to a lot of weddings, and so Michael attended his first nuptials when he was just 2 months old.  Afterwards at the reception we stuck him in his carrier and put him up on a table next to the dance floor so we could keep a close eye on him.  Michael sucked on his pacy and slept while we twisted  to “Pink Cadillac,”  shagged to “Sweet Home Alabama” and slow danced to “Endless Love. ” He was conked out for hours.

peace from knowing God

Noise is Just Noise

How did he do that?  Why didn’t all that noise wake him up?  Why wasn’t he afraid?

He was fed. Warm. Safe. He already knew from past experience that if he cried–or even so much as stirred–there would be many hands to soothe and care for him.

The noise was just noise.  He tuned it out.

God’s Peace

God gives us that kind of peace, a peace that comes from knowing that he is right there, protecting us and taking care of us.  It is a peace that has nothing to do with the noise of life. It is an inner calm, a knowing, that He is with us—within us—and He loves us. 

Isaiah 26:3 perfect peace

We don’t understand this. We can’t. We must just accept it. And know that when we become aware of the din, or of our need, he is right there.  We are safe.  We are loved.  That is all we need to know.

God’s peace has nothing to do with our circumstances, and everything to do with His presence.

The Fruit of the Month for April is peace.  Share with us your links, thoughts, experiences of God’s peace!

God's peace

Those Things You Do

God thing

I must always leave room in my heart, and my plans, for the unexpected – those “God things” He does.  He sometimes shifts direction, or changes timing, or offers new possibilities, or paths.  These things can seem like detours, or delays, and my response is frustration or impatience.  But I can count on this:

God works ALL things to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

I can relax. If there is a delay, or a detour, or a change in direction, there is a very good reason for it.  The more I accept and anticipate that there will be these sorts of things in my life, the more at peace I can be in the present.

Who is so blind as the servant of the Lord? 

I don’t need to know – and often don’t have the capacity to understand – why He does the things He does. But I can trust Him.  Implicitly.  Completely.

Thank you Father, for those things you do, that can seem like obstacles, or delays, or detours, but are really very much a part of Your plan.  Thank you that I can be at peace, no matter what comes my way, knowing You work all things for my good.

Who is blind but My servant, Or so deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is so blind as he that is at peace with Me, or so blind as the servant of the LORD?  (Isaiah 42:19 NASB)

Has there been a time in your life when you were frustrated by the unexpected, but later saw God at work in it?

Please share with us. We would love to hear from you!

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God thing, who is so blind as the servant of the Lord