Yesterday I was in a bad mood. I don’t mean a “pity party” kind of bad. I mean a “don’t mess with me” kind of bad. The kind of mood where everyone just stays out of your way, because they don’t want to get their head snapped off. Do you ever have one of those days? Where you can’t find the good in anything?
Is there a way to get from bitter to better? To shift our attitude away from toxic negative thinking into a more healthy, positive frame of mind?
When you are having a bad day, if you are praying at all, think about the kinds of things you are saying to God. Why does everything have to be so hard? Why can’t things just run smoothly, the way I want them to? Why does this ___ have a driver‘s license?
We don’t really want answers. We just want to vent. To express our displeasure with God’s way of handling the world. (Implying, of course, that we could do it better.)
But what if, as we are racing along on this runaway train of sourpuss-ness, we decide to do something different—totally unexpected.
What if we just start giving thanks?
Yeah right, Lydia. What world are you living in? What could you possibly thank God for when things are going south? What does that even look like?
I know, I know. It seems contrary to our circumstances–and our frame of mind–to say “thank you.” But just try eking out one little prayer of thanksgiving. Something like (don’t laugh), “thank you, God, that I am not always in such a bad mood.” Or like my husband Andrew likes to say, “thank you that I am not in a prison in southeast Asia.” Come on. Admit it. Doesn’t that make you smile just a little bit?
OK, maybe a little.
OK now that you’ve broken the ice, what other things can you thank God for on this no-good-very-bad day?
Thank You, God…
–that this won’t last forever.
–that You are at work, even when I can’t see it.
–that You love me and are with me, no matter what kind of mood I am in. I am not alone.
–that You know what’s going on and will give me strength and wisdom and perspective.
–that You are making good things come from this situation.
–that even when I don’t have the big picture, I can trust that You do, and that You will guide me day by day in how to walk through this.
Getting from bitter to better
Thanking God in the middle of our mess shifts our focus away from our circumstances, and back toward God’s goodness. It reminds us of our love of God, and His for us. It restores our joy in the present. And it gives us peace in the middle of the storm.
Gratitude doesn’t alter our situation; it transforms our attitude. It takes us from bitter to better.
Click below to read other posts in this series on “Complaining and Contentment:”
Complaint and Contentment Series – Part 4: 10 Tips to Overcome Complaining
Pingback: Complaint and Contentment Series - Part 1: Complaining - by Lydia Floren at Belovedlove
Great post! It can be challenging to give thanks when we’re in a bad mood or facing difficult circumstances, but I’ve found like you said, that if I can just voice one thing I’m grateful for, it helps me pull out of the downward spiral and it gets easier after that to continue upward! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you! Thanks for sharing.
Oh I love this! Yes, giving thanks in the midst of a difficult situation is so tough to do, but it is necessary. I’m glad that this mind shift has helped you to get out of a bad mood.
It’s not easy sometimes!
You are sooooo right! I have gotten to the point where I recognize that I am having a pity party, ask God to forgive me and help me change my mood. It doesn’t matter how bad my mood is, He will change it. He just wants me to recognize that I am not blessing anyone, including myself, when I am in a bad mood. Thank the Lord, He is so good! God bless you!
You are so right.
Pingback: Complaint and Contentment Series - Part 3: Dodge the Urge - by Lydia Floren at Belovedlove
Pingback: Complaint and Contentment Series - Part 4: 10 Tips to Overcome Complaining - by Lydia Floren at Belovedlove