Thank You that I am Your beloved. That You love me. You treasure my company, care about every detail of my life. You want the very best for me.
Thank You for Your love.
Your love shines light into my soul. It illuminates my identity, my value, my belonging, my calling. It frees me to be completely myself and liberates me from false beliefs and destructive habits of thought and action that keep me from being fully myself, the person You created and love.
Thank you.
Your love settles me, and gives me peace and rest. It empowers me to do what I cannot do on my own. Your perfect love casts out all fear. You keep me safe.
Thank you.
You are love. You created it. Define it. Embody it. You protect me. Cherish me. Heal me. Refresh me. Lead me. Teach me to love others in my own unique way. You accompany me every minute of every day in my journey through life. Showing me more and more about what it means to be loved. And what it means to love.
Thank You. For being You. And encouraging me to be me.
Fully myself. Fully Your child.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7
I trust in your unfailing love. Psalm 13:5
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. Zephaniah 3:17
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