It’s flu season. Doctors offices are starting to fill up with sick folks, coughing and sneezing and wheezing. And the closer we get to the holidays, the more worried people get about their health. They want to get well so they can enjoy their time off and celebrate the season.
We healthcare workers try. We really do. But Ben Franklin was right when he observed that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is much easier to prevent an illness than to treat one. Here are some things that you can do to avoid getting sick this time of year:
- Regular hand washing,
- hydration,
- good nutrition,
- rest, and
- immunizations such as the flu and pneumonia shot.
Besides all the respiratory illnesses, there is another kind of malady that is rampant this time of year: The Grumps. Here are some symptoms that might clue you in that you have The Grumps (not to be confused with the mumps): a short temper, a frowning face, a tendency to rush, and a loss in sense of humor.
Have you ever contracted The Grumps around the holidays? I know I have. With increased pressures this time of year and decreased time, it is easy to get snappish, and even downright mean. And that crabby attitude can be infectious.
Thankfully The Grumps, while highly contagious, is also preventable. Here are some things you can do to keep your emotional and spiritual self in good health:
- Stay connected with God. It is tempting when time gets tight to let this time with God slide, but it is more important now than ever.
- Feed your soul. Read the word. Pray. Laugh. Listen to music. Get a cup of coffee with a friend.
- Rest and recharge. Protect your schedule so you get some downtime.
- Wash away grudges. Let things go. Give people (and yourself!) grace.
Follow Ben Franklin’s advice and take preventive measures to stay healthy this holiday season. You will be much less likely to contract the flu, or the Grumps, if you do.
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