![God's words of affirmation](http://belovedlove.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gods-words-of-affirmation.png)
One of my most prized possessions is a little sign that is in my kitchen, a gift my kids gave me for Christmas one year. It’s not anything fancy. It was one of those thrift shop buys I’ve mentioned before, a Floren Christmas tradition. Originally the sign said “I like hugs, I like kisses, but what I love is help with the dishes.”
But my kids had put a sticky note over the last few words so it said “I like hugs, I like kisses, but what I love is words of affirmation.”
My children know that my number one love language is not “acts of service,” like doing the dishes (though I never turn down any offers for that!). The love language that speaks most to my heart is “words of affirmation.”
What does “words of affirmation” mean, exactly?
Words of affirmation are any words—spoken or written–that lift another person up.
They can come in the form of a sincere compliment–noticing and saying something positive—such as “you look especially nice today,” “you throw a great party,” “you did a great job,” “you are,a kind person.” They can also express gratitude—“thank you,” or “I appreciate you.” Words of affirmation can also convey reassurance, such as “you are safe,” or “you are going to be ok.”
So how does God speak affirmation to us?
God speaks to us in all kinds of ways, but most consistently through His word, and His still small voice in our heart. God’s word is a treasure trove of words of affirmation. Here are a few of my favorites:
“I love you with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3
“I have enclosed you behind and before and laid my hand upon you.” Psalm 139:5
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
“You are my work, and you are wonderful.” Psalm 139:14
God also speaks to us through His “inner voice of love” as Henri Nouwen calls it. He often says things we long to hear that others don’t always say: “You did a great job today.” “I love the way you encourage people.” “Just being with you brings me joy.” “I am so happy that you are my child.” “I am delighted with you, dear one.” “Just rest in my love. It is enough. It is everything.” “You are not alone. And you are not on your own. I am here.” I was going through a hard time a few years ago, and when I felt overwhelmed, God seemed to be saying the same thing to me over and over again. “All is well, child, all is well.”
Whether words of affirmation is our primary love language or not, we all need encouragement. And there are many times when we don’t get it from others. But when we take time to listen, God will fill in those gaps.
Do you need a little encouragement today? Take a moment. Be quiet. Listen. Let God love you through the affirming words He is speaking to you.
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