For the last few weeks I’ve been talking about how to love like Jesus. First, it’s essential to first fill up with God’s love, so you have something to give. It’s also important to be teachable—be willing to be a student, and for God to be your teacher. When you spend time observing and learning how Jesus loved people, you have a better idea of how He might want you to love. And as you become familiar with God’s voice, you know when He is guiding you, and what might be the best way to love someone.
Love is attitude plus action
But love isn’t a sappy sentiment. Love is a combination of attitude plus action. So all that receiving and learning and listening doesn’t mean a lot unless you follow through with action. If you want to love like Jesus, you will be doing stuff. James 1:22 says “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” (NLT)
For instance…
Here are some every day examples of how God might lead you to love someone:
Smile at a stranger. Share a laugh with a coworker. Take time to listen—really listen. Give an unexpected gift. Let someone in front of you in line, or– even better–go to the end of the line. When someone comes to mind, pray for him/her. Pay for a stranger’s meal. Share a genuine compliment. Say thank you. (For more ideas, see last week’s post.)
Your unique way of loving
One of the best things about living a life of love is that no one—NO ONE—can love someone exactly like you can. Because each of us is one-of-a-kind, we each love others in our own unique way. Every time YOU do a loving act, you put your own particular stamp on it. Each time you love others, you are doing something no one else can do.
A guarantee
So pay attention. Figure out how God is teaching you to love. And then just go out there and do it. It will not only bless someone else, but you as well. I guarantee it.
Give and it will be given to you. Luke 6:38
Don’t miss the other posts in this Learning to Love Series:
Part 2: Becoming God’s Student
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