When we follow God, his prime directive to us is to love. Jesus said the greatest commandment is:
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39
But how do we go about loving the way God wants us to love?
Say you wanted to learn how to fly a plane. Would you just take an online course, and pass a test, and go pick up your keys and get in an airplane and go? Of course not. You would certainly learn something about the process of flying a plane, but then you would hire an instructor to help you. The first thing he (or she) would do is take you up in a plane and show you how it is done. Then step by step, he would teach you all the different processes involved in flying that plane. Finally, he would be sitting right beside you as you took the controls and attempted to fly on your own.
The same type of process applies to flying a plane as to learning to love. It is not something we have to do on our own, or are supposed to do on our own. Sure He wants us to learn about what He means by love. But He is also going to show us, first by loving us, and then by teaching us step by step how to love others. And all along the way, he will be beside us coaching and encouraging us.
John said “we love because He first loved us.” The first lesson in learning to love is to receive, absorb, accept the amazing love God offers us.
What ways is God loving you today?
Don’t miss the other posts in this Learning to Love Series:
Part 2: Becoming God’s Student
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