You know, Jesus had a pretty big “to do” list to accomplish in his 33 years of life:
- Grow up (and never do anything wrong).
- Take 12 random guys (some of whom can’t read or write), and, in 3 years, shape them into world leaders.
- Be tortured and killed, in spite of what you want to do, and defeat the greatest enemy the world has ever known.
Yeah, Jesus had a lot on his plate. But think about it. Can you imagine Jesus rushing around – interrupting folks and cutting people off in traffic so he could get His “important stuff” done? Of course not.
Jesus was never in a hurry.
He said, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”
When we come to Him, in the middle of our busyness, he gives us rest. We find “rest for our souls.” And we can go about our day, packed as it may be, settled and at peace in that “zone of rest,” knowing He is with us and within us, guiding and leading us to do what is most important.
There is plenty of time to do each day what God would have us do without rushing.
Don’t rush. Just rest.
Thank you for this! We all need to rest. I love the song ” Just Breathe”
Me too!
Lydia I was just settling into leading a small group personal retreat when your post popped up. It became our retreat theme, “Don’t rush, rest.” So very timely! Thank you! Tish
That is so cool Tish!