by Lydia Floren
Reminders are funny things.
When I first stick that sticky note on my mirror, or the bracelet on my arm, it grabs my attention every time I see it, and does its job – it reminds me. But just like anything, once a reminder has been there a few days, it becomes part of the landscape – I don’t even seem to notice it.
That “R” drawn on my hand indicating a “reset button” has been different. Because it fades over time, I have to keep drawing it on my hand, and when I do, I remember why I am doing it. Because my mind wanders (I know this surprises you) I have thought of several other things that “R” can stand for, each reminding me to reset in some way:
- Renew: my outlook on life, and be renewed by God’s grace.
- Receive: God’s presence, His grace, His acceptance, His gifts, His provision, His fruit, His friendship. His guidance, wisdom, strength, appreciation, delight, love.
- Refocus: on Jesus, on what is important in life, on my God-given priorities and goals.
- Receive: God’s all-embracing love every day.
- Re-experience: God’s forgiveness, His gift of freedom from condemnation.
- Remember: my identity, value, belonging, calling.
- Release: from guilt, condemnation, the past, my destructive thought patterns and actions.
- Rejoice: in God’s love for me, in His trustworthiness, His care, His wisdom, His communication, His direction.
- Resume: walking with Him.
- Restart, rest, refresh, reengage, regroup, reassess, re-plan, revise – you get the idea.
Receive is a big one today.
Thank you, Father, for the ability to receive:
- Your delight with me, your tender care, your wisdom, your perspective, your insights, your acceptance, your grace.
- Your spirit-gifts: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
- Your love: patient, kind, humble, forgiving and forgetting of wrongs, strong, faith-filled and faithful, uncondemning, hopeful, enduring, never-failing.
- Your presence: within me, restoring my soul.
- Your embrace: including me, giving me a place and a purpose, helping me to discover, enjoy and share the many gifts you have given me.
- Your calling.
Thank you for the ability to be able to receive Your calling for me to love others in the same way I love myself. Thank you for the privilege of giving, sharing, loving those around me, and the amazing sense of fulfillment and blessing that results from that, much of the time. Thank you that even when I feel nothing, or sense no positive feedback, I know deep in my soul that you are at work–that loving others with your love is powerful.
What do you need to remind yourself of today?
Lydia, I love the idea of your reset button. So profoundly simple. I am trying to teach a few people about the necessity of Repentance on the run. Another R for Reset
Thank you
Thanks. I’m really writing to myself as much as anyone else, and I regularly need to remember to push the reset button!
I also really love the idea of LEANING on the reset button.
The reset button is not something we hit every time we fail. I am so tempted to give myself a quick reset, and then again attempt a perfect life. A “good day” becomes a “day without a reset.” When, in fact, we were never made to give thirsty souls a quick sip of grace to try and eek out another mile. We are made to live inside a massive waterfall of grace all the time.
We lean into it. Pressing it down hard, every day. We get to lean on the reset button of infinite grace and live a life empowered by grace, not live a life in attempt to not need grace.
Thank you Jesus!